Hacking Nature: The Promise of Programmable Biology

Ahammad Shibil

Throughout human history, our capacity for innovation has been the driving force behind our progress. From the invention of wheels to AI, we have consistently pushed the boundaries of what's possible. As we solve one set of challenges, we inevitably uncover new, harder puzzles to solve. This perpetual cycle of curiosity and innovation has led us to a new frontier: the world of biology. 

In recent decades, we've made tremendous strides in computer programming. What was once a niche skill has become ubiquitous, integrated deeply into nearly every aspect of our lives. From smartphones to e-commerce, it finally reached artificial intelligence. Programming has revolutionized how we live, work, and interact with the world around us.

In the current state of programming, thanks to AI models like Claude 3.5 and ChatGPT, coding is becoming accessible to all. A skill that is accessible for everyone across all the domains. What is the next hard thing? In an interview, Jensen Huang, founder & CEO of NVIDIA, said,

 “Where do I think the next amazing revolution is going to come? And this is going to be flat out one of the biggest ones ever. There’s no question that digital biology is going to be it.” 

Biology was long an R&D problem. The chain reaction that has led biology from R&D to an engineering problem was majorly catalysed by DeepMind's AlphaFold in 2020. By solving the protein folding problem—a challenge that had stumped scientists for decades—AlphaFold demonstrated the power of applying AI to biological problems. This breakthrough opened the floodgates for a new wave of bio-engineering innovations.

Protein folding, the process by which a protein structure assumes its functional shape, has been a central problem in biology for over 50 years. The ability to predict a protein's 3D structure from its amino acid sequence has immense implications for drug discovery, disease research, and our fundamental understanding of life processes. AlphaFold's success in this area marked a turning point in our ability to understand and manipulate biological systems at their most fundamental level.

We're now seeing rapid advancements in this field. Take, for example, the recent development of ESM-3, a large language model for proteins. This tool allows researchers to explore protein mutations while maintaining functionality, providing unprecedented insight into the intricate workings of these biological building blocks. ESM-3 represents a significant leap forward in our ability to "read" and "write" the language of biology. By treating protein sequences as a form of language, researchers can now use AI to predict how changes in these sequences will affect protein function. This opens up new possibilities for designing proteins with specific functions, potentially leading to breakthroughs like enzyme engineering and drug design.

Other advancements in this field include CRISPR 2.0  gene editing technology, which allows for extremely precise modifications of nucleic acids and aims to design and construct new biological parts, devices, and systems. These tools are giving us unprecedented control over biological processes, allowing us to "program" living organisms in ways that were once the realm of science fiction.

The implications of these advancements are staggering. Just as programming allowed us to create virtual worlds and systems, programmable biology could allow us to rewrite the code of life. We could design new proteins to combat diseases, create more efficient enzymes for industrial processes, or even develop entirely new biological systems.

In medicine, this could lead to personalized treatments tailored to an individual's genetic makeup. We could design drugs that target specific proteins involved in diseases or even reprogram our immune cells to fight cancer(CAR-T/CAR-NK) more effectively. The potential for treating genetic disorders by directly correcting faulty genes is also becoming increasingly realistic (CRISPR medicine for muscular dystrophy).

In agriculture, programmable biology could help us develop crops more resistant to pests, diseases, and climate change. We might be able to increase crop yields, improve nutritional content, or even create plants that can thrive in previously inhospitable environments (Browning resistant mushrooms)

Environmental applications are equally exciting. We could design microorganisms capable of breaking down pollutants, sequestering carbon dioxide, or producing clean energy more efficiently. The ability to program biology could be a powerful tool in our fight against climate change and environmental degradation. (Bacteria that eat plastic)

In industry, bio-engineered organisms could revolutionize manufacturing processes. We might see the development of new, sustainable materials produced by engineered bacteria or more efficient biofuels that could help reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. (Bacteria to produce fuel)

As we look to the future, the potential applications of programmable biology seem limitless. Here are some possibilities that could reshape our world:

  • Personalized Medicine: Imagine a world where treatments are tailored not just to your symptoms but to your exact genetic makeup. Programmable biology could make this a reality, potentially curing genetic diseases, creating personalized cancer treatments, treating brain-related problems, and even slowing the aging process.
  • Bio-computers: We might see the development of computers that use biological components, potentially leading to more efficient and powerful computing systems that can self-repair and evolve.(https://finalspark.com/)
  • Terraforming: As we look to explore other planets, programmable biology could help us create organisms capable of surviving in alien environments, potentially paving the way for human colonization of other worlds.
  • Sustainable Ecosystems: We could design balanced ecosystems from the ground up, potentially restoring damaged environments or creating entirely new ones.
  • Bio-factories: Imagine factories where products are grown rather than manufactured. From medicines to materials, programmable biology could revolutionize how we produce goods.

However, it's important to note that we're still in the early stages of this revolution. Biology is incredibly complex, with layers upon layers of intricate systems interacting in ways we're only beginning to understand. The challenges ahead are immense, but so are the potential rewards.

We must also grapple with significant ethical considerations as we venture into this new frontier. The power to manipulate the fundamental building blocks of life comes with great responsibility. Questions about genetic privacy, the ethics of human enhancement, and the potential ecological impacts of engineered organisms will need to be carefully considered and regulated.

The ability to program biology opens up possibilities for human enhancement, improving our physical capabilities, extending our lifespan, or even enhancing our cognitive abilities making us superhumans. While these advancements hold immense potential, they also raise significant ethical conundrums. Issues such as equity and access to these enhancements, the potential for creating societal divides, and the risk of unintended consequences on human health and identity need to be addressed.

To keep track of these challenges, we need to maintain open dialogues. Fostering conversations among scientists, ethicists, policymakers, and the public is essential to understand diverse perspectives and values. Establishing regulatory frameworks for rapidly evolving advancements can ensure that research moves in the right direction. Lastly, encouraging international cooperation can lead to the creation of universal ethical guidelines and standards, building transparency in the process, minimizing disparities, and ensuring that the benefits of these technologies are shared globally.